
This is a first attempt at a recipe blog and hopefully someone will maintain it…

Only the tasty recipes will make it online, so failed attempts will just have to live forever burned in my memory.

Of the many reasons to create this blog, here are the ones that I still remember:


1. Hopefully it will provide “the others” (you) with some inspiration to cook new and exciting things!

2. It will act as my own recipe store to check whilst food shopping so that I don’t have to half-guess recipes again.

3. It’s going to act as a gentle encouragement for me to keep experimenting in the kitchen and to highlight my areas of weakness so that I can continually improve my cooking.

4. It’s a great excuse to put all my foody pics online without feeling like I’m bombarding Facebook.

5. It means I can finally cross it off my “projects” list after about 4 years of procrastinating about it!


Hope you enjoy it!



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